Saturday, January 20, 2007

Look On Things Which are Not Seen

An excerpt from Robert Tilton’s free book, “Oh Lord, I Pray Send Now Prosperity

"While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (II Corinthians 4:18)"


Look beyond the obvious. Focus on the invisible, not the visible. Your prosperity may not be in physical sight but you can see it by faith as you trust God’s Word. Setbacks and lack are temporary. Breakthroughs and provision are eternal and lasting if you will simply look beyond the temporary and see the eternal.


God has already created in time and space all that you need to prosper. If you focus only on what you see, you will stay stuck in what’s temporary and never experience what’s eternal.

The invisible is seen by faith not be sight. Look inward instead of outward. See by the Spirit instead of by the circumstance. Let God show you by faith the wonderful blessings He has for you.

Affirmation and Confession:

I can see, by faith, the invisible provision and prosperity that God has for me. My vision is not limited by what is see; my future isn’t determined by the temporary.


Jesus, please give me the eyes to see the invisible, the faith to believe the incredible, and the courage to do the impossible. Amen!


Lift up your eyes beyond that which is temporarily visible. God wants to show you much more than what you can see in the natural.

Write down today what God shows you by faith!

Believe in God’s Word today and He will make you prosperous!

This excerpt is from Pastor Robert Tilton’s FREE book, “Oh Lord, I Pray Send Now Prosperity

You may order a copy for you to be encouragement free of cost at our website: